Devanet actively supports Junior Golf where it can and have worked with golf professionals to produce a range of kids clothing, belts and accessories which are versatile in terms of colour, size and branding. Devanet commissioned a brand new range of golf sweaters in 21 colours so that junior golf teams could mix and match colours and styles.
Devanet Supports the European Junior Golf Tour
The Founder of the European Junior Golf Tour, PGA Professional Roger Shutt has launched a wonderful opportunity for young golfers to pariticipate in a series of well organised competitive golf events that will challenge every golfer. With colleague Robert Ashbrook, director of golf at Brookfield Golf Club in Hankelow, Cheshire, England and tour organiser of the EJGT, this tour is a must for any talented young golfer. Devanet are avid supporters of this tour and any young golfer who wishe to participate should follow this link European Junior Golf Tour
Teamwear supplied by Devanet for EJGT
Devanet supports TommyT Junior Golf Tour Devanet is a sponsor and supporter of the TommyT Junior Golf Tour, run by Tour Organiser Roger Shutt, this Junior Tour is growing every year and devanet presented a special award to the best golfer in the 8-11 year age bracket 2013 - this was won by Charlie Ashbrook
Devanet Supports prestigious Henry Cooper Junior Masters
The Sir Henry Cooper Junior Masters is widely regarded as the one of the most prestigious Under-18 championships in the world, attracting top players from around the globe. Selectors from many countries, including US Colleges, and from the R&A, come to the tournament each year looking for promising young players. Devanet were commisioned to design and make a chanpions belt which was won by Jerri Sewell. Devanet also sponsored a set of crystal glasses for the Pro-Am which involved 3 guest players to take part.
Devanet develop Annie and Max kids golf range of clothing and accessories
As junior golf has developed, it is the kids who are demanding fashionable golf wear and equipment that the Professionals play with. Devanet research revealed that much of the clothing on offer was limited in terms of choice and price. Kids grow out of their clothing so fast, that recognised, Devanet introduced affordable golf clothing that had similar properties to the more expensive products such as moisture management, light weight, easy care fabrics and could be branded with sponsors and team crests. Here are some of the items we have developed for the 2013-2014 season for junior golf.
The devanet Annie and Max range covers a range of junior golf sportswear, belts, sweaters and caps to provide a suitable programme of colour, style, size and performamce. The range of custom made items are available from professional shops who support Junior golfs Annie and Max products. Click on image to see page in more detail