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STOCK SHADE CARDS FOR BELT WEBBING -- 55 Standard shades + 4 Fluorescent colours

Shade cards for yarn colours from which belts can be made. Please note that although these are stock yarn shades, theya re not necessarily converted into webbing and may require a special run for your application. Please check with our sales office for further information.

Pantone colours are also possible but special shades require runs of 10,000 metres please ask for details. Multiple combinations are possible using stock yarns for striped belts.

Devanet Shade Card 1

Devanet webbing shades card 2 Devanet Shade 3
Devanet Shade 4 devanet shade 5 devanet shade 6
devanet shade 7 devanet shade 8 devanet shade 9
Devanet flkuroscent webbing shades    











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